In this tutorial, we will look at a quick way to create a Telegram bot. You can find more information on the official website.

Creating and configuring a bot

You don’t need to write any code for this. In fact, you don’t need to use your computer! Just go to the Telegram app on your device and follow 4 easy steps:

Find a bot named @botfarther in the telegram, it will help you create and manage your bot.

Step 2. Send him /help and you will see all the possible commands that the bot can control.

Step 3. To create a new bot, send /newbot or click on this inscription.

Follow the instructions he gave and create a new name for your bot. If you are creating a bot just for experimentation, then the name must be unique, you can use the namespace of your bot by placing your name in front of it in the username. By the way, his pseudonym can be anything.

Step 4. Congratulations! You have just created your Telegram bot. You will see a new API token generated for it.
In the above example it is 270485614:AAHfiqksKZ8WmR2zSjiQ7_v4TMAKdiHm9T0

Copy your API token.

Плагин рейтинга создан автором этого блога. Буду очень признателен, если вы сможете его поддержать (ссылка)

p.s. Если статья была полезной и вас переполняет чувство благодарности, можете поддержать меня долларом на патреоне

About the Author

Web Developer. I have expirience in FrontEnd, Backend, Devops. PHP, Python, Javascript (Vue.js, React.js)

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